Atlas Capital Advisors

Evidence-Based. Systematic. Transparent. Liquid.

Evidence-Based. Systematic. Transparent. Liquid.

About Us

Atlas Capital Advisors is an independent, fee-only investment advisor dedicated to providing unbiased advice to our clients.

Our specialty is designing and managing sophisticated, tax-sensitive portfolios based on a quantitative and academically-rigorous investment process.

We serve affluent individuals, families, trusts, foundations, and privately held businesses. As a fiduciary, we always act in your best interest.

Atlas Capital investment solutions are:

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We ground investment decisions in quantitative assessments in a disciplined, unemotional, and systematic way.

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We adjust client investments when we see meaningful changes in investment opportunities and risks.


We create portfolios which adjust for concentrated client positions, and which reflect client social values.

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We show you how, why and what investments we make to generate returns, and all related implementation costs.

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We design investment portfolios to suit the risk preferences of clients and optimize expected return within that risk constraint.

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We consider the tax consequences of each transaction and optimize the after-tax return for taxable clients.

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Low Cost

For large client portfolios, we purchase securities directly, and incur no additional fees. For smaller client portfolios, we utilize low-cost ETFs.

Atlas has decades of experience in quantitative money management.


Atlas helps individual and institutional clients meet their financial goals through thoughtful planning and investing strategies.

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Any sound individual financial strategy requires an in-depth understanding of the individual’s specific situation. Together, we create your unique Investment Policy Statement after a full understanding of your investment objectives, risk tolerances, aggregate wealth and income, as well as current risks to your goals.

Atlas Capital Advisors provides full portfolio solutions across asset classes, as well as stand-alone equity, fixed income and balanced strategies. Investment choices are systematic and based upon findings in academic and proprietary research. We excel in the most important portfolio input: asset allocation. We are a direct investor in securities, cutting out the middleman and lowering your fee burden.

Risk to achieving your financial objectives can take many forms and may not be limited to the investments managed through Atlas Capital Advisors. We have extensive experience managing risk for individuals and institutions. We offer tax-efficient solutions to reduce market, asset/liability, interest rate and currency risks.

Many of Atlas Capital Advisors’ individual clients have a substantial portion of their net worth in one or more concentrated positions. Examples of these exposures include stock and options held by corporate executives, legacy single equity positions with a low cost basis and positions in private investment partnerships. Atlas is proficient at helping clients develop a tax and risk aware plan for the concentrated position while devising a strategy for the remainder of the investment portfolio which best complements the concentrated position.

Atlas Capital Advisors offers OCIO services whereby we manage the investment program for tax-exempt foundations and endowments, drawing on our years of experience in CIO roles at large and sophisticated institutional plan sponsors.

Core Concepts

Our core concepts form the foundation of our systematic approach to client portfolios.

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Asset allocation

Prioritize asset allocation decisions, as they have the largest impact on portfolio outcomes.

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Global equity management

Implement factor-based equity investing to tilt toward factors historically associated with stronger risk-adjusted returns. Do so with a low-cost direct implementation.

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Fixed income portfolio management

Include fixed income as a standalone strategy or as part of a balanced portfolio to generate a modest return with low risk of loss.

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Tax strategy optimization

Execute only those transactions which are advantageous on an after-tax basis.

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Markets and the economy

Monitor macroeconomic metrics for signs of broad market risk and use them to further inform allocation decisions.

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Endowment model for all

Invest endowment assets using the Atlas core concepts to achieve returns competitive with “The Endowment Model,” outcomes, with a more cost-effective, liquid and understandable investment strategy.

Investment Strategies



Atlas Risk is the flagship global equity strategy utilized since the inception of the firm. The objective of Atlas Risk is to outperform the global equity index through favorable selection of countries, sectors and individual stocks using a systematic quantitative multi-factor model.



With Atlas ESG, clients are able to adjust investment choices to align with their values. Atlas ESG combines the multi-factor investment approach of Atlas Risk with client-defined Environmental, Social and/or Governance criteria.



The aim of the Atlas Global Balanced Strategy is to outperform strategies which are balanced approximately 60% in global equities and 40% in fixed income. The 60/40 allocation is prevalent among institutional and individual investors. Sixty percent of the allocation of the strategy will be the Atlas Global Defensive Equity Strategy. The remaining forty percent of the strategy will be yield-oriented asset classes which have lower investment risk than equities.



The Atlas Global Defensive Equity Strategy aims to outperform the global equity index through favorable selection of countries and sectors and loss avoidance during severe bear markets. Atlas uses a proprietary framework to evaluate expected returns, market sentiment, and risk for the single country and U.S. sector indices which together comprise the global equity market. This is combined with an assessment of whether the risk of severe loss is elevated.



The Atlas Non-Profit strategy is designed to generate returns for tax-exempt investors which are competitive to those of the large endowments and foundations.  The strategy puts the emphasis where it belongs – on asset allocation. In addition the Atlas implementation is liquid, transparent, and low cost.

Current Market Assessment

Atlas continuously evaluates equity regions, countries, and sectors to understand the relative attractiveness of the components of the global equity market. In addition, we monitor macroeconomic metrics for signs of broad market risk.





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Have a question for
Atlas Capital Advisors?

Our approach is based on research and unique to your wealth management needs. We have the experience for individuals or an institution.